What makes for a great cause marketing campaign these days?

A: Turn audiences into participants

It is no longer enough to push a cause message out and hope that it resonates with your target audience.

Great and successful cause campaigns have tentacles…..So what makes a good cause campaign resonate, great and go viral? 

Your campaign must attract, engage and connect the consumer to a movement. Participation not just communication is needed.

Telling your story will make the viewer feel helpless to support your effort unless you provide key entry points to support the solution. Campaigns can no longer rely just on a causes strengths or messages. Empowering your audiences to help make THE difference is the key to a successful campaign.

The best campaigns find fresh means to present the issue on a peer level tied to an emotional trigger. Interaction, interaction, interaction whether funny, clever, off the wall; something to capture their attention in a world with much clutter! The call to action must turn audiences into willing and empowered superheroes. They need to feel they have an impact and have been part of a solution in earnest. It is all about authenticity.

On the CSR side of things make sure that purpose is genuinely integrated throughout your business strategy. The public sees right through cause tie-ins and associations that pretend to be genuine and are not.


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